
Separation and Divorce

You are probably feeling pretty lost

Hello there! My name is Krista, and I am so glad that you found my site.
I am guessing that you are feeling pretty lost right now. Well, the good news is you have taken
the first step towards finding health in a new chapter, and right now you need to go through
the logistics and arrangements to get yourself well set up.

You are not alone, I am here to support you.

We enter our relationships with so much hope, excitement, and love - and we plan to live out our lives together in joy and bliss forever. But for many different reasons, relationships deteriorate and become undone. Once the decision has been made to separate, both parties often are left feeling unsure of where to turn next. There are many decisions to be made, and changes to see through.
This time can feel extremely isolating – and even scary as everything is in upheaval.

Navigate your options & maximize your return.

My ultimate goal is to help you navigate your options for your real estate during separation and divorce to ensure that you both walk away well set up
for your next chapter. 

I have a proven track record for being thorough, efficient and for selling houses in a very timely manner. I will support and educate you along the way. I will help you to set realistic expectations by combining the very best data and my expertise.

Reduce conflict & overwhelm.

Because you have spent years, if not decades together, your lives are very intertwined, and this whole process needs to be handled with compassion, nurturing and understanding. 

I too have been where you are – and so I understand it
on a visceral level. 

 I can also help to reduce conflict and overwhelm during this strenuous time because I have a vast amount of education in psychology for supporting couples during difficult transitions. 

Impartial fiduciary to help guide you.

Allow me to serve as an impartial mediator who takes the personal issues out of what is fundamentally a financial decision. 

Realtors are fiduciaries and are required to be impartial and to do what is in their client’s best interest as part of the Code of Ethics. This legal requirement is taken seriously and enforced by the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO). I am committed to being non-judgemental, supportive and transparent. I will never take sides, and truly want what is best for BOTH of you. 

Guiding you through the decisions to be made

Selling your home in a separation of divorce combines two of life’s most stressful experiences: moving and divorce. I am here to help walk you through the various options that you have. It is also important to remember that your matrimonial home is not the only one that needs to be considered at this time, your cottage and/or investment properties also come into the mix.

It is advisable to prepare for these decisions by consulting with your family lawyer. If you need a suggestion for a lawyer, I can help. I have a list of trusted people that I would be happy to share. Your lawyer will help you to determine where you stand with regards to the law, and how to handle the negotiations to keep your priorities in line. It is also advisable to become familiar with your rights by reviewing the family law act in Ontario.  

Throughout the process, I will help you to interact with your lawyers and other professionals you may be working with. At the end of the day, you want to be able to walk away peacefully so that you are both well set up for your next chapter, and if you have children, to provide the best life that you can for them.

You are not alone, I am here to support you.

The very best way to reduce conflict and to save money in the long run is to ensure that you can make the big decisions effectively with as much awareness, open communication and educational support where needed, as possible.

Please let me know how I can be of help to you. No question is too small. We can get you through this - together.

Get the Guidebook on Navigating Property Division During Separation & Divorce